Jennie Stone Jennie Stone

From Sick to Sacred.

Meditative Musings are just that, ideas that we, Jennie & Brittany, have been contemplating. Sometimes they’re BIG Ah-ha’s, other times it’s silly and weird. It’ all part of the human journey! Come walk with us!

We live in a sick society. We could spout off numbers and facts, but there's already a part of you, maybe it's deep down and you're afraid to really look and listen, that already knows this. We have incredible technology, we're advancing faster than any previous civilization we have records of.

With all these resources available with a click of a button, we’re also the sickest we’ve ever been! Mental and physical health are taking a toll on us as well as the earth and her struggle to breathe and cleanse herself is getting harder and harder.

There also a lot of fear and uncertainty about how it'll all turn out. Will AI take over? Will the neurolinks become mandated and then we're mind controlled? Will the aliens decide to make us their slaves? Will our food become a pill of chemicals that keep us alive? Will we have nuclear war that not only decimate our own humanity but also the earth and her precious resources? I hear dramatic cartoons screaming; “What about the children?”

As bad as it's gotten, it's also the closest, technologically speaking, to the idea of an ancient civilization that was known as The Golden Age! What I, Jennie, believe is missing is the cohesiveness of the people working in harmony that lived during that glorious time.

At this glorious time, we know that they not only recognized and celebrated others differences but they harnessed these differences to create a society of wholeness. One person’s strength was used where it was needed and because they contributed to the society, they also got to reap the rewards of others using their gifts.

This is what the Sacred Intuition Society is working towards. Creating a New Golden Age of Miracles here and now!

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" is by J. Krishnamurti.

Right now the world is in a wounded masculine space of power and control. Take, take, take and just a lil give here and there to appease us. We say, NO MORE! We will NO LONGER give our power, time and resources to the things that are keeping us small! Sell 40 hours of our time a week for 2 days of freedom? Do this for 40+ years and HOPE there's still social security left to take care of us? Gamble with healthcare and try to have a side hustle that can help us get ahead?

What if there was another way to find this Sovereignty as a human being. To reclaim not only your personal power and authority but also, your magick, which we believe is medicine?

You are a magickal being with gifts beyond what this world has given you permission to access. Instead you were shoved into a system that fore fed you the 'rules' and instilled fear of you even the tiniest thought about breaking them!

Stand in line or go to the back and miss out on the peanut butter bars at lunch. Talk out of turn and your name goes on the board for public shaming. Make too much noise and you lose the privilege of recess. Be too silly and wild and your desk goes in the corner to isolate you. Get a real job, don't go for your dream, find safety and security then maybe you can dream on the side…but only after you’ve worked HARD to EARN it!

We've been beaten down slowly, like a frog in a pot of slowly boiling water on the stove. We've become so used to this that we just shrug when asked how we can change. We feel powerless and hopeless. We weren’t taught to come up with our own answers…just wrote memory.

Enter mind numbing substances, both prescription and recreation. Mix in entertainment like tv and tik tok and we can simply check out of this existence that we've slowly grown accustomed to, with a click of a button, so we don't have to face the reality of feeling trapped, helpless!

At Sacred Intuition Society we help you tap back into that magick you had  as a child, before it was squashed out of you by well meaning adults. We allow space to explore and play with your personal power so when you're out in the 'real world' you feel confident choosing different.

When you are connected to that personal power within you, we call this Intuition, Higher Self, Spirit, Source etc…You know when to stand up for yourself or when to walk away. You know when to speak up and you do it with authority and compassion! You know what's right for you instead of doing what everyone else is doing.

You start to heal the most important relationship in your life...the one with yourself. You remember what it feels like to trust your instincts, follow your heart and the fear of rejection by others doesn't bother you because you know you have a whole Society of others backing you up!

Those around you who are still stuck in their fear will try to coax you back into the old way, saying things like; "You've changed!" Exactly...I'm finally stepping into who I am...not who I was trained to be!

Break the mold, open your eyes and look around. Do you want to stay in that sick society, the fake world? Fake money, fake plants, fake food, fake power, even fake body's all plastic. Or, are you ready to step into the magickal world of truth and wisdom, light and love? A place where everything holds wisdom and magick because you realize you’re connected to it ALL!

When you choose YOU, your whole world will start to shift. You'll start to realize how much power you actually have. You'll have energy you didn’t know was possible without energy drinks. Your health will start to improved drastically and you'll find out real fast who your real friends and family are...the ones who love you for you!

You'll stop feeling the need to ‘Mind your P’s & Q’s: Please, Perform, Perfect and Produce to PROVE your worth or asking Permission to do and be what and who you know you came here to do and be .

Instead, you'll show up like the QUEEN or KING you know you are and hold court accordingly!

Brittany and I wearing our crowns!

The Sacred Intuition Society is a modern mystery school where you are both the teacher and the pupil.

You will learn to use your intuition to guide you.

You will practice in a safe space of like minded sisters who will hold space for you to discover your gifts and how you use them.

It's a Spiritual CrossFit gym if you will. Daily classes, weekend intensives, and DIY courses are like recipes for healthier living mentally, emotionally, spiritually and socially.

You get hands on training with others like you. We'll all learn from each other, share in our successes and explore the lessons in our failures. We'll support and hold you through this journey of self-discovery until you remember WHO YOU ARE and step fully into your power that will change the world just by YOU being fully present to your true authentic self and power!

Ready to reclaim your spiritual gifts? Ready to put your energy and effort into something that will reciprocate and amplify your power? Welcome to the Sacred Intuition Society!

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Jennie Stone Jennie Stone

Challenges = Change

2 Week Meditation with 2 ways to play!

Challenge is one of my favorite words! It carries so much energy within it! I immediately think of the character Neil Patrick Harris played in the ‘How I Met Your Mother’ sitcom and his common catchphrase, where he’d exclaim loud and proud for dramatic effect: “Challenge Accepted!”

What are you doing if you’re not challenging yourself to go towards your goals? Let’s face it…life can be hard. There’s A LOT going on in our world right now and it may seem dumb to add more challenges to yourself.

Here’s the thing…If you’re not challenging yourself, you’re not growing! Challenge = change for a good reason. Challenge brings resistance and resistance is what makes us strong.

The easiest analogy of this to use is working out. If you only lift weights your body can already handle, your muscles aren’t worked hard enough to actually grow and become stronger. It’s actually the process of the weight being TOO HEAVY that causes micro tears in your muscle that, once the body repairs them, makes the muscle bigger and stronger than before.

This tear down process is required for growth. Somehow, in our society, we’ve been taught to shy away from things that are hard. To stay comfortable in our safe little routines. Keep our heads down and keep on keeping on. This is surviving!

I’m not okay with that. Personally…I want MORE! I actually want it ALL, but I gotta start with where I am! What is the point of life if you’re just going to play it safe? Where’s the adventure, where’s the experiences that grow you and change you to become who you came here to be? Darling, did you come here to just survive? Or does a part of you know you were made for MORE?

I’m a Human Design 3/5 Emotional Projector. The 3 means Martyr and the 5 is Heretic energy. Martyr (3) is another way of saying; “I’ll do it, I’ll experience it, I’ll go first and try the new thing, or an old things a new way!” The Heretic (5) energy is all about breaking the rules. Once I’ve experienced it (3 energy) I’ll then learn from my experience of it, success or failure it doesn’t matter, and teach (5 energy) a new way of doing or being that I discovered from my experience!

So I’m doing a challenge. 2 week Meditation Challenge. This is a personal challenge I’m inviting anyone who feels called to join me. I’m doing it because I want to start to prepare for my next BIG challenge coming up which is…a 10 day silent Vipassana retreat!

I already have a pretty solid meditation practice, but it’s guided, focused on a mantra or a story I’m writing. I move, or journal, dance or sing. Basically whatever my heart feels like doing that day. However, Vipassana is a very specific form of meditation I really struggle with…sit and focus on your breath. That’s it!

Sure, it sounds easy enough, but when you have an open head center (Human Design) and are an Air sign (airhead, er, I mean Aquarius) like me, my mind is a BUSY place! I have a million and 1 thoughts per second, I swear!

My personal Meditation Challenge is to practice sitting in Vipassana for an hour every morning! I’ll be doing this live, on zoom, in the SISterhood, Sacred Intuition Society. You can join me in my meditations with others who are also committed to their personal meditation practice. I’ll be doing them Mon-Fri 5-6 am MST.

You can also join on your own time by commenting on my Facebook Post or YouTube Video that you’re in and then check in daily that you did it in the comments!

We all know we need to be meditating. We all know the benefits. We all feel guilty we don’t make the time. Here’s an easy answer. Committing to others you’re going to do something makes you 46% more likely to do the thing. You're even MORE likely to succeed at doing it if you do it in a group (like Sacred Intuition Society)!

Invite friends to join you. Share this blog post, tag them in my post or video and gather a group of accountability buddies for even greater chances of success. Bonus if you’re a member of SIS and invite someone to join, you get a $10 kick back their first 2 months their in the SISterhood!

This challenge is a worthy one, one that you KNOW will help you! Especially with the upcoming Holiday Season. Find center now before it goes all cattywampus and you get sick, freakout, breakdown, or burnout! Taking care of you is the best gift you can give this world.

You are worthy of your time and love!

Much love,

Jennie Stone

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Jennie Stone Jennie Stone

10 Days of Silence!

10 Day Vipassana in Lava Hot Springs Idaho over Thanksgiving! Plus Reiki Controversy podcast link

I've been putting this off for many reasons.

I'm still struggling to grasp how I actually feel about it. 10 days of silence is a meeting of oneself on levels previously unknown and that was very uncomfortable. I met parts of myself I didn't know I had and I'm not sure I'm ready to talk about them yet. It feels like a fresh wound that still hurts when exposed to the elements.

The rules of Vipassana are clear cut and simple (but NOT easy):

-noble silence which is no communication of any kind: no speaking, no gestures, no reading or writing

-meditate 11 hours a day starting at 4:30 am ending at 9 pm. 3 of these you practice self-discipline by not opening your eyes, hands or legs

-Practice Anicca (impermanence) with equanimity. Come back to the practice without judgement.

I am a verbal and kinesthetic processor. I talk and move to understand and feel what I'm going through. So sitting for 11 hours a day and not being able to even journal my thoughts/feelings was HARD!

Every break we had I was walking the trails above the dorm and taking in the beautiful scenery of the Lava Hot Springs Idaho valley and mountains. Sunsets, sunrises and stargazing became the best entertainment ever!

I have a current practice of sun gazing and try to watch the sun rise and set every day already, but this was a whole new level of witnessing this magickal rebirth and death of light daily! The stars were also incredibly brilliant and bright as I live in a city where light pollution affects my ability to see the stars very clearly.

One night I looked up and felt like I could almost fall into the void of darkness between the points of light from the stars. It was a deeply provocative and profound feeling I've never experienced while stargazing.

One morning it was snowing and this woman stood outside the meditation hall holding her flashlight up to the sky watching the snow fall through the beam of light. It was mesmerizing. I stood and watched the snowflakes dance and fall through that light as long as she held the light up. During the day I marveled at each tiny snowflake with its intricate and individual designs. I'd take a handful and throw it in the air to watch it glitter down and around me like magickal fairy dust!

I cried over squash soup one lunchtime. It was a dance of colors and flavors that overtook me. The combination of sensations was so much it couldn't be contained in my body so ir spilled out through my eyes as my body shook with sobs from the pleasure of it all. Bright yellow squash, deep dark forest green kale, fire truck red bell peppers, emerald green peas, orange carrots and savory, salty, creamy textures plus the steam and warmth overwhelmed my senses with joy and gratitude for this beautiful, delicious and nutritious food.

I broke the 'rules' 3 times.

1- On one of my walks I was watching a little mouse run through it's maze of tunnels it created in the snow. I saw it's little head peek out to look at me. I spoke, out loud, to it and caught myself in the middle of saying "Hi there lil buddy!" I hurried a glance around to see if anyone had noticed I broke noble silence to speak to such a tiny creature. Shook my head and giggled at my innocent and unconscious mess up.

2- On Thanksgiving Day, day 8 of the Vipassana, I was missing my kids terribly and having some massive mom guilt. I was lying sobbing on my bed and called out to my Grandma in my mind asking her for help and comfort. She's a constant spirit guide for me that I typically call in and commune with daily but had dropped that spiritual practice for this 10 days.

3- On day 10, after we were invited to break noble silence, I was PISSED! I was NOT ready to talk, I felt like I had failed and wasted 10 days and just couldn't join the others in their giggles of delight to finally vocalize. I took a hike and asked for a sign from Spirit. A few moments later a hawk flew south directly over my head. I gave thanks to the hawk because I now knew I would be ok to go and talk with the others.

The last two don't seem like obviously rule breaking. However...Vipassana asks you to set aside your spiritual practices to give this technique 100% chance. Calling in my Grandma and asking for a sign is not part of their practice.

The day we got our phones back I wasn't ready to turn it on. My husband and I had booked a room in downtown Lava to integrate together before going home to the chaos of life and kids. I asked him to check his phone to make sure the kids were all ok.

When I finally felt ready, I turned my phone on and almost couldn't look at it. It was SO BRIGHT it almost hurt my eyes. It was like I was on psychedelics and everything was brighter and more intense.

Bottom line, 10 Days out of the Shimmer was incredible. I would recommend it to everyone. The level of gratitude for the smallest things increases. You awareness of yourself amplifies. Your senses magnify. 10/10 recommend!

The above picture is an image of one of the sunsets the Vipassana teacher sent!

P.S. I recorded a podcast sharing more of my experience as well as chatting with another woman who was with me for those 10 days. We dive deep into the Vipassana Vs Reiki Controversy you can watch here.

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Jennie Stone Jennie Stone

Blog Post Title Four

It all begins with an idea.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

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