Challenges = Change

Challenge is one of my favorite words! It carries so much energy within it! I immediately think of the character Neil Patrick Harris played in the ‘How I Met Your Mother’ sitcom and his common catchphrase, where he’d exclaim loud and proud for dramatic effect: “Challenge Accepted!”

What are you doing if you’re not challenging yourself to go towards your goals? Let’s face it…life can be hard. There’s A LOT going on in our world right now and it may seem dumb to add more challenges to yourself.

Here’s the thing…If you’re not challenging yourself, you’re not growing! Challenge = change for a good reason. Challenge brings resistance and resistance is what makes us strong.

The easiest analogy of this to use is working out. If you only lift weights your body can already handle, your muscles aren’t worked hard enough to actually grow and become stronger. It’s actually the process of the weight being TOO HEAVY that causes micro tears in your muscle that, once the body repairs them, makes the muscle bigger and stronger than before.

This tear down process is required for growth. Somehow, in our society, we’ve been taught to shy away from things that are hard. To stay comfortable in our safe little routines. Keep our heads down and keep on keeping on. This is surviving!

I’m not okay with that. Personally…I want MORE! I actually want it ALL, but I gotta start with where I am! What is the point of life if you’re just going to play it safe? Where’s the adventure, where’s the experiences that grow you and change you to become who you came here to be? Darling, did you come here to just survive? Or does a part of you know you were made for MORE?

I’m a Human Design 3/5 Emotional Projector. The 3 means Martyr and the 5 is Heretic energy. Martyr (3) is another way of saying; “I’ll do it, I’ll experience it, I’ll go first and try the new thing, or an old things a new way!” The Heretic (5) energy is all about breaking the rules. Once I’ve experienced it (3 energy) I’ll then learn from my experience of it, success or failure it doesn’t matter, and teach (5 energy) a new way of doing or being that I discovered from my experience!

So I’m doing a challenge. 2 week Meditation Challenge. This is a personal challenge I’m inviting anyone who feels called to join me. I’m doing it because I want to start to prepare for my next BIG challenge coming up which is…a 10 day silent Vipassana retreat!

I already have a pretty solid meditation practice, but it’s guided, focused on a mantra or a story I’m writing. I move, or journal, dance or sing. Basically whatever my heart feels like doing that day. However, Vipassana is a very specific form of meditation I really struggle with…sit and focus on your breath. That’s it!

Sure, it sounds easy enough, but when you have an open head center (Human Design) and are an Air sign (airhead, er, I mean Aquarius) like me, my mind is a BUSY place! I have a million and 1 thoughts per second, I swear!

My personal Meditation Challenge is to practice sitting in Vipassana for an hour every morning! I’ll be doing this live, on zoom, in the SISterhood, Sacred Intuition Society. You can join me in my meditations with others who are also committed to their personal meditation practice. I’ll be doing them Mon-Fri 5-6 am MST.

You can also join on your own time by commenting on my Facebook Post or YouTube Video that you’re in and then check in daily that you did it in the comments!

We all know we need to be meditating. We all know the benefits. We all feel guilty we don’t make the time. Here’s an easy answer. Committing to others you’re going to do something makes you 46% more likely to do the thing. You're even MORE likely to succeed at doing it if you do it in a group (like Sacred Intuition Society)!

Invite friends to join you. Share this blog post, tag them in my post or video and gather a group of accountability buddies for even greater chances of success. Bonus if you’re a member of SIS and invite someone to join, you get a $10 kick back their first 2 months their in the SISterhood!

This challenge is a worthy one, one that you KNOW will help you! Especially with the upcoming Holiday Season. Find center now before it goes all cattywampus and you get sick, freakout, breakdown, or burnout! Taking care of you is the best gift you can give this world.

You are worthy of your time and love!

Much love,

Jennie Stone


From Sick to Sacred.


10 Days of Silence!